Monday, November 7, 2022


During the Covid-19 pandemic, team Eco-Treks Goa was seized by the predicament of their trekkers who could not step out. To create a positive distraction, they asked members to send photographs and accounts of their experiences. The result is a well curated book: Hills to Himalayas.

It recounts the journey over 14 years and 148 wanderings. The Eco trekkers have stepped out of the comfort box to reclaim their responsibility to the world that they will leave behind for the next generation. Their narrative is of discovery, transformations and above all, Hope!

Hope is an individual emotion but when aligned with a collective, it creates greater positive change. The trekkers choose to be conscious and respectful to Nature and the communities they visit. They choose to adapt and adopt a sustainable lifestyle. They end up being grateful to lives and livelihoods of tribals and other rural communities.

Hope is about humility that comes from realisation that we take more from and give little to our planet. Hope is about the learning that comes from real knowledge on the ground. Hope is about changing our habits by taking ownership of our obligations to our environment. Hope is of desirable aspirations and aligned actions.

Trekkers discover this when they wander visiting interesting places and people. Some miss out as they focus on the pleasures of a day-out. But, those with deeper commitment and dedicated time will discover the treasure of Hope and a happier life beyond immediate pleasures… like Goa’s EcoTrekkers have!

Avoid the furious rush, linger on while you wander…

Pick up ‘hope’ on the way, move beyond the wonder!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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