Monday, November 14, 2022


A song by Jagjit Singh, ‘Kagaz ki kashti (paper boat) refers to the lament of a person who has earned wealth but craves for his child-like innocence. The first verse is a plea to ‘take away my riches, my fame, even my youth... but in return give me the monsoon from my childhood, the paper boat and the drops of rain.’

In childhood, the simplest of things are triggers for great happiness. We are happy with things around rather than the futile pursuit of happiness as a commodity. We crave for simple pleasures of childhood but choose to run the dash for complex materialism.

As children, we could play with an empty box or a stone or a paper boat... But as adults we tire easily and become dissatisfied with what we have. We are in hot pursuit of newer and further acquisitions.

The choice is simple. Stop lamenting and choose childhood attitudes... we must reclaim our childlike innocence and fascination for life’s simple pleasures found in contentment and connect with relationships and playfulness... we must step back to be childlike...

Make the paper boat, ride the dyke
Reclaim the attitude to be childlike!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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