Monday, November 28, 2022


My mentor, Frederick Tucker’s favourite anecdote was of a traveller who had wandered off his route. He had no clue as to where he had reached and how to get back to his original road. After going around in circles, he a wise sage.

He told the sage, ‘I am lost. Please help me.’ The sage queried, ‘do you know where you have come from?’ On receiving a reply in the affirmative, the wise one prodded on, ‘Do you know where you want to go?’ The traveller nodded again.

The wise man calmly uttered a great truth, ‘if you know where you have come from and where you want to go, then you are not astray. You just need the connection to your way!’

Whenever astray, we can reconnect to our destination by recognizing the co-relation of the present location and the desired destination. We must discover potentials of a newer and different approach rather than just trying to get back to the old path.

If we cannot get back to the old path that we deviated from, we must find a newer way. And that is difficult, if we are mired in the belief that we are astray. The search for newer ways will get us back on track of our destination or lead us to a new terminus.

Whenever you feel lost and astray

Just find a newer and better way!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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