Monday, October 30, 2023


Pawan joined a course to learn basic Portuguese. On the first day, his teacher insisted to speak only in Portuguese in the class. This would help learn the language better. And if someone had difficulty in understanding they could say, ‘não compreendi!’ (can’t comprehend)

Pawan struggled to comprehend what was being communicated in Portuguese. However, he could keep the conversation going by saying ‘não compreendi’ repeatedly till he understood. The teacher would use simpler language or body language or even speak in English to make him understand.

So often, so many of us do not reveal that we have ‘not understood’ what was told to us. Some worry about displaying their difficulty and be branded as a person with limited comprehension ability. Some feel that they will understand in due course. Some believe that the incomprehensible may not be of great significance.

When we don’t ask for help, we will not get it. We must be transparent about disclosing our difficulties in comprehending the communication. When we do so, we can be helped by explanation or clarification. We also display our interest in the conversation.

There is no shame in declaring our inability to understand. We must know what we don’t know. And we must not pretend to know. We must show (tell) that we don’t know (understand). We must ask for assistance in our sincere efforts to comprehend.

Don’t pretend to understand the difficulty

ask for help by saying ‘não compreendi’!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

#mondaymuse20thYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, October 23, 2023

Brood Parasitism

The cuckoo bird is known to lay its eggs in the nests of other birds, usually crows. The cuckoo does not make its own nest. Hence, it lays its eggs in the nest of crows and ensures that the crow takes care of her eggs and young ones.

 During the course of evolution , the eggs of the cuckoo have evolved to resemble the eggs of the crow in size, shape and colour. This prevents the host from detecting the foreign eggs and eliminating them from the nest.

 The cuckoo bird exhibits a form of parasitic relationship called Brood parasitism. It is a behavioural pattern of brood parasites, that rely on others to raise their young. The brood parasite manipulates a host, to raise the young as if they were their own.

Some organisations try to hatch their activity ‘eggs’ in the activity ‘space’ of other organisations. While they may pretend it is collaboration, the parasite knows it is hoodwinking a gullible or unaware host.

Of course, collaboration is a good thing, but brood parasitism is about intentional manipulation of others and a clear-cut pretense. If we are sincere in our cause, we will avoid brood parasitism.

Brood parasitism is a bogus pretense…

Distant from ethics, it has no defense!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

#mondaymuse20thYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

Monday, October 16, 2023


 Monday Muse (of us are influenced and impressed by charismatic people. We seek to possess charisma that can influence and impress others

Charisma is a special quality of impact personalities whose principles, purposes and powers differentiate them from others. To be called charismatic is considered a valuable compliment!

Many of us believe that charisma is a trait that cannot be developed since it appears to be a deep-rooted personality characteristic. But, it is pertinent to note that it is a quality that can be acquired and learnt. 

For example, being enthusiastic and emotionally expressive is a major ingredient for dishing out charisma – and surely, it is possible to learn to become emotionally expressive.

Look around at people whom you find charismatic. You will notice that they smile easily and seem constantly enthused. Notice that their ever eager energy is very visible.

They do not hold back their actual feelings. The best method to develop charisma is to express feelings more assertively, openly and freely.

More importantly, charisma is about transference. Others must validate our charisma. And they will do so, only if it impacts them positively. 

The way to acquire charisma, according to Dan Reiland is, ‘Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are making them feel good about you.’

to acquire charismatic effectiveness

choose responsive expressiveness

- Pravin K. Sabnis