Monday, October 1, 2012

Mahatma as motivation

"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever walked upon this earth." Albert Einstein words about Gandhi have turned prophetic! Few believe Gandhi as a real option for modern ailments. How did the Father of the Nation get reduced to just a name for a road, a face for a postal stamp and a statue?

The man who reshaped the lives of many, who continues to inspire mankind, remains more as an idea that sounds nice rather than as a way of life to be imbibed. Virtues like integrity, non-violence, tolerance - that were once the hallmark of a strong moral fibre - are mere resource for orators. They are not reflected in the practices of those who preach them.

Gandhi used to experiment new things, deeds, acts in his search for the truth. He believed in following the path of his heart and, where none existed, in making one. He propagated that it is better to try and fail for a cause that you believe in than to succeed in some alien cause. His was a life of walking his talk.

But to be truly motivated by the Mahatma, we must be better at knowing him. It is pertinent to note that those who adore him as well as those who trash him do it based on conditioned perceptions rather than reading Gandhi’s true ideas, reflected in his writings. We need to be touched by the Mahatma’s thoughts before it can transform into motivation.

let’s BE BETTER at discover his life as inspiration…
to truly connect to the Mahatma’s motivation!

- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

PRAVIN SABNIS conducts UNLEARNING UNLIMITED workshops for corporate & other teams. Since 2004, he regularly writes MONDAY MUSE.  Earlier based on JCI-India President’s theme: Touch To Transform (2004), We Are The Future (2005), Speak Through Action (2006), Develop New Dimensions (2007); since 2008, ONDAY MUSE is inspired by the JCI theme – BE BETTER.

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