Monday, September 24, 2012


Ganesh Chaturthi is a major festival in Goa. It is occasion for the extended family to get together. Friends from all communities go visiting those who observe the harvest celebration. Warm wishes, traditional delicacies and humble rituals mark the event. But, over the years, the amount of wishes by SMS has increased while the quantity of visits has decreased.

So often, so many of us reject the option of meeting or speaking. So easily, we convey our wishes through the ‘SMS’ method. Sure, technology makes it easier, convenient and economical to communicate. But, when we use only the ‘SMS’ way, even for close relationships, then we confirm that the easy, trouble-free and cheap option is of greater importance than the worth of our relationships.

Indeed it is a happy experience to have others share our happy moments. It is great to hear Cipriano calling from London. But the neighbours, across the street, may not return the visit, even though I go over regularly. Not even a call, they will use the mechanical SMS. Relationship is a two way traffic that depends on personal touch. The overuse of the SMS can short change it.

It is pertinent to note that those who receive the maximum visitors are those who build their relationships on direct contact. In fact, the ones, who have little money, tend to be better at investing time and effort in visiting the awaiting ones. When occasions call for connecting, we must remember that SMS is a wonderful invention to be used only when real visits and direct calls are not possible or not warranted. Eventually messaging is second to real connecting.

may SMS be the last choice while messaging…
let’s BE BETTER at personal acts of connecting!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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