Monday, October 23, 2023

Brood Parasitism

The cuckoo bird is known to lay its eggs in the nests of other birds, usually crows. The cuckoo does not make its own nest. Hence, it lays its eggs in the nest of crows and ensures that the crow takes care of her eggs and young ones.

 During the course of evolution , the eggs of the cuckoo have evolved to resemble the eggs of the crow in size, shape and colour. This prevents the host from detecting the foreign eggs and eliminating them from the nest.

 The cuckoo bird exhibits a form of parasitic relationship called Brood parasitism. It is a behavioural pattern of brood parasites, that rely on others to raise their young. The brood parasite manipulates a host, to raise the young as if they were their own.

Some organisations try to hatch their activity ‘eggs’ in the activity ‘space’ of other organisations. While they may pretend it is collaboration, the parasite knows it is hoodwinking a gullible or unaware host.

Of course, collaboration is a good thing, but brood parasitism is about intentional manipulation of others and a clear-cut pretense. If we are sincere in our cause, we will avoid brood parasitism.

Brood parasitism is a bogus pretense…

Distant from ethics, it has no defense!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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