Monday, January 10, 2022


Today is the birthday of actor-dancer Hrithik Roshan. He was born with an extra thumb fused to the one on his right hand, which led some of his peers to avoid him. He stammered since the age of six. This led him to feign injury and illness to avoid oral tests at schools. He felt isolated as a child.

All this seems far removed from his confident persona that we now see. He was helped by daily speech therapy to overcome challenges in his voice but it is pertinent to note that his webbed dual thumb is never hidden. On the contrary he has no qualms in revealing it to public glare.  

A boy had an additional little finger on his hand. As classmates would make fun of it, the lad would refuse to go to school. The parents had the extra finger removed through surgery. The boy, now an adult, however keeps his hand concealed in his pant pocket. The eliminated finger exists in his mind.

The difference between Hrithik and the boy is that one reveals what is and the other conceals even what is not. One has accepted while the other cannot forget what is no longer there. Once we accept things different in us, the courage to reveal them will be easy. And when we reveal, we will have nothing to hide!

Accept the ‘difference’… don’t conceal

Freedom comes when truth we reveal!

- Pravin K Sabnis

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