Monday, January 3, 2022


One of my favourite muse has been the great teacher, Savitribai Phule. Writings on her as well the poetry that she wrote, has been a guiding light. Once a friend asked, ‘was she the first woman teacher of India?’ My response was, ‘she was the first… but more importantly, she remains the foremost!’

Savitribai had many firsts to her credit. But she is remembered more for the things she did consistently with clarity of vision and commitment to the mission. She remains an inspiring icon, not only because she was first… but because she was foremost!

So often, so many of us want to get credit for being the first to do something. While that may be an achievement worth recording, the legacy is laid by the ones who are foremost! It is not about who finishes first. We must choose to finish well!

Only one person can be the first. But others can choose to be foremast. To be foremost is to give your best efforts… to be effective as well as efficient… to be above the ordinary. The first one is noticed immediately. The foremost one is lauded over a longer time… icons like Savitribai over a lifetime… and beyond!

while the first get an immediate toast

greater applause is for the foremost!

- Pravin K Sabnis

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