Monday, July 13, 2020

shift focus

We notice a valuable quality in infants. A crying child can easily start smiling when their attention is distracted. They are able to shift focus from the negative to the positive. But adults cling to their positions of discomfort and tend to stay there for longer than required.

This shifting of focus is often a refreshing change. Cricket players are known to play football or swimming pool games or sing and dance or listen to music to relax the pressure of the upcoming game. Here the intent is to take the burden off by shifting focus.

However, it is pertinent to remember that it is about shifting focus not running away or ignoring it. The distraction is meant to drag you away from any negative emotions or worries or undue pressure build-up.

Shifting of focus to other activities or playfulness helps divert you from negativity and helps you emerge refreshed to take on new priorities or approach the old ones in a newer way.

But we can shift focus only if we have other things to focus on. We should inculcate the practice of involving in various activities and interests. Try out newer doings or learn to watch and enjoy others doing it. That is what infants do and hence they can shift focus easily.

Be player, audience or referee of diverse games
Shift focus to escape the load of the same game!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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