Monday, July 6, 2020

Doing what you love

“What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” ― Bob Dylan

Indeed this is a quote that everyone seems to agree with. But opinions differ on what construes ‘wants’. They could be a sentiment of acquiring external possessions or they could be an internal passion to do specific things.

It is pertinent to note that our life is multi-dimensional. There are factors of self, family, society and work. But, passion is a personal thing. Happiness is in doing what you love and do be able to be in love with what you do.

Our career is a large part in our life that we commit to. If I am not happy with my career, that unhappiness seeps into other facets of my life. This goes for non-work life, too. Success is never a single triumphant occurrence. It is a journey of a series of moments (and choices) leading up to bigger moments.

We must reclaim relationships and activities that gave us joy but fell by the wayside as life moved on. We must be conscious of what we feed on… the type of people and activities we interact or involve with. But eventually it is we who choose to do what we love or be the person preventing it.

Don’t be the person who gets in the way
Of doing what you love to do every day!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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