Monday, June 22, 2020

No Rush

‘No Rush’ is more or less the opposite of ASAP (as soon as possible). The person using it is saying that there's no hurry. It means I do not need it right away, so don't hurry if you have another priority that is urgent.

It can be used in various ways. Someone who asks for something that isn't urgent can say 'no rush.’ Or, if you're waiting for someone who's busy, you can say ‘no rush’ to indicate that you're in no hurry and are willing to wait.

An important lesson we all learnt in the slowdown due to the pandemic is that we don’t really need to rush. Neither do others need to rush to fulfil our declared orders. Things can wait and it is possible to be more patient.

Of course, it does not mean putting off things or being careless about time. All that is important is not urgent and all that is urgent does need to be rushed into. Rush often results in undue pressure that can lead to mistakes.  

The idea is to be in control without the pressure of speed. It is wonderful to say as well as hear, ‘No rush, just take your time and do it well.’ Speed is secondary to doing something well… or maybe doing something else!

Unless truly urgent, learn to say ‘no rush’
The pressure of speed is oft undue fuss!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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