Monday, September 9, 2019

No Failure

Pedro and his son were watching the historical moment, when the Vikram Lander of the Chandrayaan-2 lost its communication. The young boy was disheartened. Pedro consoled his son, ‘It is not a failure. We have to be proud of the efforts of our scientists. Efforts are important. Results are secondary!

The tears of his son continued to flow. Pedro held him close and asked him to stop crying. The son spoke up, ‘these are tears of joy. I was worried of your reaction to my forthcoming the results… not anymore… I have a father who believes in efforts, not results!’

Indeed, our country’s forays into science have truly spurred interest in science and technology. But more importantly they teach us the biggest lesson in science that there are no failures, only lessons to be learnt from the preparation, the efforts and the outcomes even if not fully favourable.

In fact, science will not regard any setback as an abject failure. It does not easily accept closure. Even now, the scientists at ISRO are watchful. The lander location has been found, The orbiter part of the mission, with eight scientific instruments, remains operational and will continue its seven-year mission to study the Moon

The same lessons are applicable for all efforts in life. We must appreciate efforts and not lose heart with failure. We must choose to learn from the lessons that come from every setback. Failure is only when we give up. We can walk the way again or take another path… but we must move ahead.

Remember always that there is no failure
Efforts and focus should have no closure!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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