Monday, August 12, 2019


Pedro took his father for an annual medical checkup. His father was not ready to go through the routine, as he felt that he was hale and hearty. When the results arrived, Pedro’s father threw a fit.

The reports declared that everything was in order. Pedro’s father grumbled, ‘I knew all was okay… it is a waste of your money… and my time!’ Pedro asked, ‘would you have been happier if the reports had confirmed major issues?’

So often, so many of us are seized by a disproportionate expectation on every return of investment. We worry whether time, money, or effort spent is worth the while! We set the anticipation and are distressed by the lack of fulfilment of that expectation.

Is it necessary to do a medical check-up only when ill? Should a vehicle go to the mechanic only when things go wrong? Should we do things only when they are inevitable? Should we sort issues only when they loom large?

While it is okay to keep an eye on the worth of our while, it is silly to be over obsessed by it. It is worthwhile to spend time, money and effort to even just confirm that things are okay… whether it is to confirm the status of our health, plans or relationships. It can be worthwhile to do things even when the situation does not overtly demand it!

Don’t be over obsessed by excessive expectation
Worthwhile are also acts sans single anticipation!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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