Monday, July 1, 2019


On a cold winter day, a heavily dressed man noticed a poor man outside wearing little clothing and asked him, ‘I am wearing all these clothes and still feel a little cold, while you are barely wearing anything, and seem unaffected by the weather?’

The poor man replied, ‘I don't have any more clothes, so I can't afford to feel cold. But you have plenty of clothes, and thus have the liberty to feel cold."

So often, so many of us become victims to the comfort of the lifestyle that we have acquired. Our experience is dictated by the splurge of plenty. Since we can afford, we end up consuming more than we need. On the other hand, those who cannot afford, learn to leave within their means.

We must learn to free from the burden of dependence on the unnecessary. When we choose to live a life that is free from the comfort zone, we choose liberation. Our body and mind can handle challenges better if it is not over constrained by over indulgence just because we can afford it!

Never mind whether you can afford or not
Choose liberation from burdened thought!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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