Monday, June 10, 2019


Playwright – actor, Girish Karnad who passed away today, made a distinct impact on Indian theatre through his Kannada plays and his English translations of plays written by him as well as other playwrights. These included Tughlaq - a play written by him at the age of 26.

Tughlaq was a ruler with innovative ideas and a grand vision, but his reign eventually was a failure. He sought a unified large country but his rule degenerated into anarchy. He was a ruthless ruler and did not really trust anyone.

The play highlights the importance of credibility and authenticity for a leader. Two shrewd citizens identify and misuse the loopholes in every law so that they can profit. They end up contributing to the downfall of the best initiatives of Tughlaq.

A well-intentioned initiative can be undone if it is on pompous ground. Such a situation arises of not considering possible repercussions, lack of proper communication due to self-centredness and a trust deficit in the team that will implement the decision.

Every worthy idea needs to be considered for all possibilities of risk as well as potential. Clear communication is needed at the ideation, decision as well as implementation stage. Most important is real trust in all the stakeholders at various levels. Otherwise, the best of leaders can turn to be a Tughlaq!

Karnad’s Tughlaq is not just about history
It exposes flaws in contemporary authority!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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