Monday, June 3, 2019


Pedro loved moving around on a bicycle. His friends would seek to discourage him by listing out the disadvantages of bicycling. But for every detriment, Pedro had a counter argument of a greater benefit.

If bicycles are condemned as slow, Pedro would point out cycles easily escape traffic jams. If detractors argued that they were physically tiring to ride, Pedro would explain that they make for a healthy lifestyle. Pedro had many arguments for the simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation.

However, the larger argument for bicycling is the influence it has on the rider. In the fast paced world, it slows you down. It makes you conscious of the environment and community. It helps explore inaccessible places by travelling across narrow paths.

The bicycle promotes mutual understanding and respect and facilitates social inclusion and a culture of peace. All these are found only in one other activity – walking! Between them, we have wonderful choices to move without polluting the path.

Cycles are great way to move around
sans impurity of air, space or sound
As a choice it is only second to walking
let’s sustain our world through bicycling!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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