On International Biodiversity Day, Goa’s vibrant forest officer, Paresh Porob delivered the keynote speech at an event organised at the International Centre, Goa. His talk showcased many insights based on his learnings and experience with the locals staying on the borders of the notified wildlife sanctuary.
He mentioned that the tribal community of ‘Velips’ would not pluck off all mushrooms on a termite mound. More importantly, they would use hands not scalpels to collect the mushrooms. They believed that the termite mound was alive and did not want to hurt it. However, others would use bill hooks that would damage the termite mound by the deracination and adversely affect future growth of mushrooms.
The word ‘deracinate’ comes from the French ‘déraciner’ (‘dé’- expressing removal and ‘racine’ referring to root). While deracinate refers literally to the uprooting of plant roots, it has a second metaphorical meaning suggesting removal of anyone or anything from native ‘roots’ or culture.
So often, so many of us are seized by a greed that goes beyond our real need. The greed turns us blind to the fact that our act to deracinate leads to the eradication of the resource that we need. Some deracinate because they are in undue haste. Some deracinate because they are plain careless. Others think only of present need.
Indeed, we deracinate because we are insensitive. If we are conscious of our sense of responsibility, we will employ the ability to choose the right response. Our response should ensure that we do not deracinate. We must ensure that our use of the resource does not make it disappear. Sustainability should override the tendency to deracinate.
Sustainable means can overrule greed
Deracination fulfils only current need!
~ Pravin Sabnis
He mentioned that the tribal community of ‘Velips’ would not pluck off all mushrooms on a termite mound. More importantly, they would use hands not scalpels to collect the mushrooms. They believed that the termite mound was alive and did not want to hurt it. However, others would use bill hooks that would damage the termite mound by the deracination and adversely affect future growth of mushrooms.
The word ‘deracinate’ comes from the French ‘déraciner’ (‘dé’- expressing removal and ‘racine’ referring to root). While deracinate refers literally to the uprooting of plant roots, it has a second metaphorical meaning suggesting removal of anyone or anything from native ‘roots’ or culture.
So often, so many of us are seized by a greed that goes beyond our real need. The greed turns us blind to the fact that our act to deracinate leads to the eradication of the resource that we need. Some deracinate because they are in undue haste. Some deracinate because they are plain careless. Others think only of present need.
Indeed, we deracinate because we are insensitive. If we are conscious of our sense of responsibility, we will employ the ability to choose the right response. Our response should ensure that we do not deracinate. We must ensure that our use of the resource does not make it disappear. Sustainability should override the tendency to deracinate.
Sustainable means can overrule greed
Deracination fulfils only current need!
~ Pravin Sabnis
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