Monday, July 6, 2015

Unpacked Gift

There was an exceptionally talented jazz pianist who played in a bar. People came out just to hear him play. But one night, a client told him to sing a song. The man said, ‘I don't sing.’ But the customer was persistent.
So he sang the song, ‘Sweet Lorraine’. A piano player who had never sung in public did so for the very first time. The talented pianist discovered a new talent of singing. Nat King Cole went onto to become an iconic singer!
Nat King Cole had talent that he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a gifted piano player in a local bar, but because he discovered another gift of singing, he went on to become one of the best-known entertainers in America.
We have skills and abilities. We may find our ‘talent’ to be a gift, but there may be other gifts that lie unpacked. With exposure and then persistence, most skills can be enhanced. A lot of possibilities go unnoticed as the owner continues to sit on them! We have to get off the comfort seat and discover new unpacked gifts that need to be opened.
Get off the comfort seat...
Open the unpacked gift!
- Pravin K. Sabnis

Goa, India.

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