Monday, October 7, 2013


Every time when we look at ourselves in the mirror, what do we see as a reflection? Surely we see what we choose to see. If we see a glowing or a glum image it just reflects our dominant emotion at that time. It also reflects possibilities of positive transformations in our thoughts.
Surely what matters is not what is reflected but how we reflect on it! For instance, a bald person may go beyond acceptance of the situation to a confidence level that transforms it into a style statement. On the other hand, we notice the pathetic distress of those who cannot face a declining hairline. 
We need to reflect on ‘what is’ rather than ‘what is not’. It is all about reflecting on the outside reality with inner strength. And inner strength comes when we take ownership of our lives, of what we are and of what we have. But first, we must reflect by unlearning negative perceptions of what is good and what is bad. 
Transformations best happen inside out. Worries and fears disappear when we reflect on every situation with positive introspection. We need to be better at reflecting beyond the surface to connect to the beauty of the inner self. It is pertinent to note that when we change our outlook to our own predicament; we see the outer world too, in positive light. Positive thought (reflection) can overcome every mirrored perception (reflection).
Every mirrored perception needs thought reflection...
Let’s BE BETTER at boosting positive introspection!
- Pravin K. Sabnis

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