Monday, November 15, 2010


During our school days, we would be all charged up every time we see a martial art movie. We would walk on our toes, run up the stairs with buckets filled with water and eventually join some martial art class. However, save a few, most would drop out of what seemed only an occasional infatuation. The interest was genuine but the commitment was like a sparkling, fizzy soda.

Motives play a significant role in inspiring action. However, the effect of motivation is effervescent. So often, we enthusiastically embark on journeys to do things we find exciting and attractive. And so often, the initial exuberance seems to drop down the way. Making a start can be rendered futile, if we do not go the whole distance. And going the distance merits going beyond motives and developing the practice.

Practice is the term commonly used to describe appropriate actions of a consistent nature. We need to develop the right practices to move towards desired destination. Jim Rohn said it so well, ‘Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going’. However, a practice is not just a habit that develops by itself. It is a conscious process of walking the talk.

A practice requires a greater commitment along with a plan that includes discipline, dedication and determination. Whenever inspired, we must be able to make a plan of investing our time, thoughts and action. Otherwise motivation will be just an occasional emotion. So whether it is learning a new skill or making a fresh pledge we need to be better at empowering effective practices.

Let’s BE BETTER at keeping on going…

our practices need solemn empowering!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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