Monday, November 8, 2010


Look around at people you find interesting to converse with... They could be friends, doctors, pharmacists, barbers, shopkeepers or the like. What is the secret of being a successful conversationalist? They can talk politics with a politician, finance with a banker, sports with a sportsman, education with an educationist and so on and so forth.

Where does a good conversationalist learn to speak at almost everything under the sun? Besides reading, the good conversationalists possess the tolerance for listening and learning from every person they meet. However, it is pertinent to note that we would not be so eager to visit the conversationalist if he was bad at his basic job.

Never mind the additional attraction that your conversation skills offer, the other person will patronize you only if you are good at the basic job that you are expected to do. Learning is generally ignored after attaining desired academic levels, mainly when entrenched in the comfort zone of a secure job. However, it is a folly to stop learning.

Consider the traditional barber. He is a good listener and an engaging conversationalist. However, he also is constantly keeping apace with the latest trends, styles and news. Let’s choose to BE BETTER like the barber who goes after both depth and breadth of knowledge and skills… depth to be better at his basic expertise… and breadth to be better at conversation with his customers…

Let’s choose to BE BETTER like the barber

By going deep and wide as a proactive learner!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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