Monday, August 26, 2024


‘There are two kinds of people, those who do the work, and those who take the credit. Belong to the first category, since not only do things get balanced, but there is much less competition’


This quote highlights the distinction between two types: those who put in efforts and those who claim the credit. The first consists of individuals who are willing to put in the time, energy, and dedication required to complete tasks and achieve goals. They make things happen.


On the other hand, the second category comprises persons who are more concerned with how they are perceived than with actually contributing to the outcome. They often take credit for others' work, seeking to boost their own image and status.


The quote suggests that belonging to the first category has advantages. When individuals focus on doing the work, the workload is distributed evenly and tasks are completed efficiently. There is less competition among those who are willing to get the job done. 


Those who take credit create unnecessary competition and conflict. They step on others' toes, take advantage of their colleagues' efforts and create a toxic work environment. By focussing on work rather than take credit, we can achieve greater personal and professional satisfaction.


Doers work hard with sincere dedication… 

Takers seek credit with little contribution!


~ Pravin K. Sabnis


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