Monday, July 15, 2024


‘Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something’ – Plato


Plato says that the wise speak with purpose and intentionality. They possess valuable insights which they share with others. Their words are carefully chosen and characterized by clarity, concision, and sincerity. They speak to share their wisdom and to contribute to the greater good.


There are others who feel an inherent need to speak, often without any meaningful contribution to offer. Their words are often empty, lacking substance and depth. Fools speak to gratify their own ego, to manipulate others, or to conceal their own lack of understanding.


This quote from Plato encourages us to reflect on our motivations for speaking and to strive for wisdom in our words. By doing so, we can create a more meaningful and impactful dialogue, where our speech serves to uplift and enlighten, rather than merely to impress or deceive.


the wise speak with worthy intention…

avoid casual posturing and deception! 


~ Pravin K. Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

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