Monday, May 27, 2024


Every time the results are out, be it academic examinations, sports contests or talent shows, there are fewer smiles and many upset faces, including those of parents. The table toppers celebrate victory and the second place onwards concede defeat. 

Whither sense of achievement? Whither sense of acknowledgement to the efforts? In an increasingly competitive world, in the quest to be better, too many of us are insisting on nothing but the best. When we frown upon even second best positions, imagine our disdain for those that come last! 


A result is the final consequence of a sequence of efforts. However, besides efforts, other factors influence eventual outcomes. These could be intrinsic like capacities, conditioning and beliefs. They could be extrinsic like environment, competition and other challenges.

A real sense of achievement has to flow from the satisfaction of sincere endeavours and not from the vagaries of results. The very act of taking on a challenge has to be, by itself, a cause for celebration. 

More important than winning is to have a winner’s attitude that comes from celebrating efforts and sportsmanship. The score should not be allowed to douse passion. Eventually, even failure is a stepping stone to success. 

Let not results lead to despair & misery
Let’s choose to celebrate efforts truly!

- Pravin K. Sabnis


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