Monday, March 18, 2024


If something, say a table, is not steady, we say that the table wobbles. If a child sways while moving, we refer to it as wobbling. While it may seem a problem, the learning is in the wobbles!


As children, we learnt to walk and ride a cycle through a long process of trial and error, of falls and repeated efforts. Our enthusiasm and encouragement by others made us stay at the task until it was accomplished.


The child keeps stepping ahead despite the falters. However, as adults we are swayed by failure. So often, so many of us resist the time to learn something new because we don’t like wobbling.


We must give ourself the permission to falter. Failure is an important part of the journey to success. We must choose to accept the faltering, learn from it and do what is required to correct the wobbles. 


The wobbling table can be set right by putting something under the legs. The wobbling child can learn balance by trying other ways. For the result to alter to a positive result, we must address the falter!


Move beyond the falter

The outcome will alter!


- Pravin K. Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

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