Monday, January 1, 2024


‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ - Mahatma Gandhi


Some years ago, at the New Year’s eve family get-together, the children organised activities. One activity was for everyone to pen down, at the stroke of midnight, personal statements on two charts. One was a Wish-List; the other was a list of Resolutions. A few seniors questioned the distinction between the two, but the children had got it right! 


One may wish to be healthier and fitter, but it would be better to resolve to make the lifestyle changes necessary for the transformation. One may wish for peace, harmony, friendships, relationships, success, worthy causes… but it would be better to resolve to create and participate in processes to make the wish happen. 


What we wish for and what we resolve to do are as different as just craving for a desired destination and creating a road map to get there. A wish is just a thought, a dream. A resolve is a commitment, a mission to actualise the dream.  A wish is an imagination. A resolve has to be real. A resolve is about making choices and backing them with action. 


While we put together wish-lists for ourselves, our families and our communities, we must move beyond desire. Let’s resolve to make the wish happen by our commitment, determination and persistence. May our wishes be well meaning and backed by the resolve to be the change that we want to see in our world!


Let’s fully back resolves for action

Wishes fly on wings of dedication!

Pravin K. Sabnis


#mondaymuse21stYear #pravinsabnis #since2004 #motivation #blogging #MondayMuse

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