Monday, August 28, 2023


 Onam is the harvest festival celebrated in Kerala to mark the arrival of King Mahabali. The ten day festival includes many activities including the Onam Pookalam which literally means Onam flower rangolis or the patterns made with flower petals.


The Pookalam is generally round in shape and then filled with intricate detailing with colourful flower petals. A new outer circle is added every day to the pattern made on the first day of Onam till the tenth day or Thiruvonam.


Besides the beauty of the diversity of seasonal flowers, Pookalam represents many learnings. The most pertinent to add something to the effort of the previous day.


We start initiatives which are overwhelming due to their immediate magnitude. However, if we do one step at a time, and keep adding fresh effort every day, we end up creating an impressive transformation by the last day.


One circle at a time and add another on subsequent day

The final stage will impress, the Pookalam seems to say!


Pravin K Sabnis

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