Monday, June 19, 2023


FOMO is an acronym about ‘fear of missing out’. It refers to the feeling that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy, affects self-esteem and causes stress.

 The idea that you might be missing out on a good time is not new. However, it has only been studied during the past few decades, beginning with a 1996 research paper by marketing strategist, Dr. Dan Herman, who coined the term.

 Social media has accelerated the FOMO phenomenon. It makes us compare our regular life to the highlights of others' lives. Social media creates a platform for bragging; it is where things, events and even happiness itself seems to be in competition at times.

 To overcome FOMO we need to change focus from what we lack, try noticing what we have. It helps to take a digital detox or at least consider limiting our use of certain social media apps that make us feel as if we are missing out.

 We post on social media to keep a record of the fun things we do. However, we end up being bothered about whether people are validating our experiences online. A better option is to keep a personal journal of our best memories and shift focus from public approval to private appreciation of the things that make our life great.

 We must seek and make real connections. Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media, arrange to meet up with someone in person. Make plans with friends, organise a group outing or doing something social.

 Most importantly, we must involve in gratitude. It is harder to feel as if you lack the things you need in life when you are focused on the abundance you already have. You will begin to feel that you have what you need in life and so do other people.

 FOMO takes you down the rabbit hole of depression

Focus on what you have instead of inane comparison!

 - Pravin K. Sabnis

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