Monday, September 5, 2022


A king went on an extensive trip across his kingdom! When he returned back to the luxuries of his palace, he complained that his feet were aching. The road that he walked on was uneven. Yet, as he had enjoyed the travel, he wished to travel again.

The learned court consultant suggested that every road in the kingdom be covered with leather. All the courtiers complimented and applauded the plan.

The king noticed his court jester smirking. Upon being ordered to speak his mind, the jester said, ‘just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet… spend the money instead on making shoes for everybody who travels on the rough roads!’

Situations are transformed by empowering persons to tackle circumstances. The larger lesson is that for planning to be better, it must focus on the traveller rather than the road, on the driver rather than the vehicle, on the farmer rather than the food industry, on existent sustainability rather than vague magnificence.

The story also underlines a valuable lesson of life… of starting with the rudimentary. It is about transforming our own efforts and actions to achieve the desired results. Let us remember that instead of investing too much effort in altering the larger predicament, let’s be better at making rudimentary transformations.

The feet come first, the road comes later…

Start with rudiments, they do truly matter!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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