Monday, May 16, 2022


Zen philosophy insists that truth has nothing to do with words. It likens truth and words to a moon and a finger, respectively. Buddha says that though the finger can point to the moon’s location, it is necessary to look beyond the finger to see the moon.

Being obsessed with the pointer is pointless. More often than not we tend to spend too much time in analysis of the pointer. If we are discussing whether things are better or worse, we generally get stuck in the validity of concepts and models.


Surely it would be better to step out and experience something directly. The map is never the territory. It is just a pointer based on a belief, a perception, an image or a thought process. If the map is right, we reach our location. But if it is incorrect, we have to discard the map.


Most of the time, our map keeps changing depending on the position we are in and our desired destination. It is okay to have a map, only as long as we know it is a map. It is more important to connect to real territory… to step beyond the pointer!


Too often, we allow the pointer to become an addictive restriction. Whether it is our own ego, life purposes or larger community concerns, we would be better off if we move beyond the pointers and embark on the journey of real experience.


To discover fresh frontiers

Move beyond the pointers!


- Pravin K. Sabnis

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