Monday, October 11, 2021


A man was complaining to Pedro, ‘my child is perpetually distracted’.  Pedro queried, ‘positive distractions or negative distractions?’ The man stopped playing with his mobile and asked, ‘what did you say?’

 A distraction is something that takes your attention away from what you are supposed to be doing. If you cannot keep from checking your social networking forums every ten minutes, that's a distraction that's going to interfere with your other priorities – family, work, passions, people.

 However a distraction can also be a refreshing change. If you are worried about your presentation tomorrow, watching a mindless show on TV may be a welcome distraction that helps you relax. The word comes from the Latin dis (apart) and trahere(drag). So distraction is when you're dragged away from your task or from your worries.

 Positive distractions divert you from negativity and help you emerge refreshed to take on priorities. These include choices like going on a trek, playing sports, attending dance or singing classes, watching entertainment, pursuing some hobby or even talking with friends and family. Social networking sites, television, gadgets easily turn negative distractions when done in excess. However, in moderation, they can be refreshing too.

 We play many roles and cope with varied challenges and pied priorities. The key to happiness and success is to involve in multiple positive distractions. If we do not choose positive distractions, we will tend to be attracted to negative distractions and allow them to turn into bad habits that take focus off our task.

 We must identify what makes us happy and also confirm that it does not estrange us from the people we love or distance us from the things we really want to do. We must let these positive distractions impact our focus. Then, we would not have time and space for worries or negative distractions to intrude, except moderated indulgences.

Ensure relationships are reflected

choose to be positively distracted!

 - Pravin K Sabnis

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