Monday, September 13, 2021


Pedro visited his friend in the village for Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. He was aware that the road was all broken, but he did not want to break his commitment to the annual visit. His friend was happy to see him but he said, ‘I would have understood your reason if you were not to make it like the many others who did not come due to the bad roads!’

Pedro retorted, ‘No! You do not understand! Announce a big party next week and see how many avoid it due to bad roads. Those who do not come for the lucrative occasion are consistent in their reason, the rest are just offering a pretext!’

 A pretext is an excuse to do something or say something that is not the real reason. Pretexts may be based on a half-truth or developed in the context of a misleading fabrication. Pretexts have been used to conceal the true purpose or rationale behind actions or words. Pretexts are exposed when motive or purpose is changed.

 It is pertinent to note that pretext is a false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason; a pretense. Pretense is a more overt act intended to conceal personal feelings. While pretext is often used to hide the truth, pretense is commonly used to stretch the truth. When we use a pretext, we delude ourselves into a position that cannot be stuck to.

 Remember commitment is the real context

Let go of the pretense, let go of the pretext!

 - Pravin K Sabnis


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