Monday, June 28, 2021


Yesterday, Samraat Club Panaji organised a get-together of members and families. Since the pandemic, some members had met on occasions for meetings or club projects. But the get-together with family was happening after over 15 months.

 Family get-togethers mean songs, jokes and games. It was like before… a joyful informal atmosphere exclusive for Club members and their family. Of course, it was online but the need to meet each other was met.

 Besides food, clothing, shelter; humans ‘need to connect with other’ human beings. It helps connection (physical or emotional) that create. Regular connection with others gives us a sense of well-being that allows for self-care and bolsters self-esteem.

 Such connections best happen in ‘socials’ amidst family, friends and organisations. We are able to discover and disclose facets of each personality. The connections get better as all of us are ‘social’ animals.

 Most social organisations like Samraat, JCI, Lions, Rotary and Giants employ ‘socials’ to help bonding among members, But it is pertinent that ‘socials’ should not disturb other circles. Hence it helps to involve family members too.

 ‘Socials’ are not about indulgent partying. They must serve the purpose to connect with others. We must reclaim the child in us and others that leads to individual as well as collective joy. Even in virtual space the impact remains real!

Socials help connect with the other

Do it online if restraints are a bother

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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