Monday, March 15, 2021

Do Something

An elderly lady would go to a lake & clean the shells of turtles there. When a passer-by asked her the reason, she said that the algae or scum that builds up on a turtle’s shell reduces its ability to absorb heat and slows down their swimming. It can also corrode their shell and weaken it over time.

But the man pointed out that most turtles live their entire lives with algae on their shells. The woman agreed that was true. He asked, ‘are you really making a difference if most turtles don’t have people around to clean their shells?’ The woman laughed and said, ‘I making a difference to these ones!’

Dr Seuss said it so well that ‘To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.’ Even if we cannot change the world or help everyone, we can still make a huge difference in one person’s life by offering them the help that we can.

So often, so many of us prefer to not do anything because we can’t do everything. We must do something for someone, rather than wait to do everything for everyone. Our world is empowered by little acts that make a difference, even if it is limited to a few

Do not wait to do everything for everyone

It is better to do something for someone!

~ Pravin K. Sabnis

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