Monday, November 9, 2020

Youth are Now!

Yesterday, a protest meet was organised by traditional fishermen and others to oppose a proposed marina in Goa. In between the speeches, a group of young boys and girls moved in to the empty spaces between the crowds and broke out into a dance to the tunes of a protest song.

The youthful moves had an uplifting effect on the audience… more so from the words spoken by two of them to explain their distress as well as resolve to save their land, lives and livelihoods. The young man decried the patronizing line ‘Youth are the future!’ He firmly declared that ‘Youth are Now!’

He is right! Youth are side-lined despite all promise of being torchbearers of the future. They are brushed aside by the older generation as being naïve and inexperienced. The irony is that the wisdom of experience comes only through going through the act of experience. Seniors deny the youth the freedom to participate beyond being foot soldiers in their cause.

Those in positions of power, whether political power or those within civil society, recognize that youth can easily be mobilized with great effect. What they forget is that youth are active agents of change, first for now and then for the future. The ‘today’ in their hands will create the ‘tomorrow’ that will be.

Youth must be allowed to spread their roots as well as shoots and grow into capable canopies! The ones who are good enough to vote at the age of 18 years are surely adept to make other choices, too. Remember that youth icons like Bhagat Singh made significant contributions in thought and actions before being martyred at the age of 23.

Youth are Now! Let them root…

To aim at the future to shoot!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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