Monday, August 3, 2020


 In 1992, my friend Rodney Pereira stayed on a mountain during the summer vacation. I would join him on some days. I had done solitary trips before into the wild but they were only during the day or in large trekking groups. Now it was overnight and with few for company.

 Life seemed to have no urgent purpose... water to drink and wash was from a stream, twigs for fire were strewn all over, tea was sans milk and sugar, meals were pez (rice gruel) and pickle. Time would drag by and life was on a slowdown. 

 But in this slowdown, we discovered 'time to stand and stare'. We learnt to not hoard and live frugally. We found time to talk and we found time to stay silent. In the silence we heard sounds of Nature and we heard our inner thoughts.

 The pandemic has brought our world to a slowdown. And just as well! We were running around at crazy speeds, hoarding and acquiring needless assets, creating a strain on natural resources and losing focus of our collective responsibilities to our world and our people.

 These days will pass. But slowdown must remain the new normal. We must not let go of the new positive habits acquired during these trying times. We must choose to be responsible and responsive in every action. We must slow down!

 With the rush, rises the frown

We all need a real slowdown!


~ Pravin K Sabnis

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