Monday, May 25, 2020


Once, Pedro chose to fast with his friend during the month of Ramzan. The first few days were difficult but eventually his mind and body got used to not eating during the day. In fact, even in the night, his eating got lesser and lesser as the days went by.

On occasion of the Eid lunch, Pedro was finding it difficult to eat. He asked his friend, ‘are you comfortable gorging on food after a month of fasting?’ Pedro’s friend smiled and said, ‘we eat a bit as it forbidden to fast on Eid. Anyway, the joy is more in the serving than in the eating!’

What a wonderful sentiment… the joy is in the serving! So often, we find hosts have no urge to eat as they are full of happiness seeing their guests eat. The mind is satiated by the satisfaction that comes from seeing the other satisfying his hunger.

Indeed, we discover contentment every time we serve the hungry. In the lockdown during the pandemic, the gladdest have been the ones who served the hungry. We must play the host to every person who does not have enough to eat. That will bring us the greatest happiness!

Give up the urge of excessive eating
Choose joy that comes from serving!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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