Monday, May 13, 2019


During a lecture, a student asked his master, ‘I've been listening to your lectures for years… but I just don't understand. Could you just please put it in a nutshell? Can you reduce Buddhism to one phrase?’

Everyone laughed. Suzuki laughed. ‘Everything changes,’ he said. Then he asked for another question.

Zen teachings in Buddhism insist that everything in life is in a state of flux. ‘Everything changes’ is a deep thought with a wide meaning. The individual is impermanent. Relations are impermanent. Residence is impermanent. The world is impermanent.

Holding onto to things is a root cause for suffering. We need to be aware and accept the ever-changing nature of reality and appreciate the present moment. It's not about letting go; it's really about not clutching in the first instance.

We should stop fretting about the future. We should quit waiting for a better moment. We must learn to enjoy the moment while it lasts, before flux sets in. If we can learn to live in this way, we can find happiness in every instant.

Flux will happen… life will take a turn
Joy is in living not in wishes to yearn!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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