Monday, April 1, 2019


Flattery is the business of giving excessive compliments. As in any business, there is the anticipation of barter. The expectation could be to ingratiate. It could be to create a positive impression. It could be to initiate a relationship. It could be to receive desired returns. It could also be out of unrestrained affection.

Appreciation is a good thing, as is praise and encouragement. But, flattery is excessive praise. More often than not it is an insincere admiration or a motivated stimulus begging for an expected response. Hence flattery can be often misleading and creates illusions that deceive.

However, it is pertinent to note that flattery is not just born out of the expectation of the one expressing it. So often, so many of us expect and desire to be flattered. So often so many of us are disappointed when we do not receive immediate praise. Especially on social media, such expectations are seen distinctly.

All these have led to the increase in the tribe of flatterers. They write lavish verse or effusive essays or gleaming posters to shower their flattery. And the recipients are happy to be flattered and eventually even be deceived. For the flatterer has a vested interest. And in the virtual world, people are more prone to detach from reality.

We must learn to differentiate between genuine appreciation and fake flattery. We must value candid feedback that may be critical. It is okay to feel nice with adulation but we should not be deceived by it. Like the chewing gum, while we may enjoy flattery, we must not swallow it. And like the chewing gum, it is not a good habit.

Those who shower you with flattery…
Craft an unreal screen that is illusory!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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