Monday, February 18, 2019


Want to do something for a soldier?
Be a citizen who is worth fighting for!

The above lines are among responses to the death of paramilitary forces attacked by a suicide bomber. Most reactions have shown solidarity for the martyrs. Many insisted on counter strikes on the actual hands that facilitated the killer. Some questioned whether we were worthy of such sacrifices of the men in uniform.

It is natural to be pained by the incident. It is normal for anger to rise when our troops are attacked in a proxy war. This pain and anger comes from our sense of gratitude towards the ones who guard us. But it is pertinent to ask whether we deserve the toil and sacrifice of the ones who serve us even at the cost of their life.

We cannot really choose the method and timing of the response of the armed forces to such an attack. But we can choose how we will measure up to be deserving of their commitment to secure our safety. We must ask whether we have aligned to the appropriate actions as countrymen.

We must share our appreciation and show our solidarity with the ones who serve us with dedication. But empathy should not be about just feeling their pain and anger. We must commit to be responsible citizens to our country and countrymen. So they who serve will know that they do it for those who deserve!

Empathy for the sacrifices of those who serve
When we do what needs to be done to deserve!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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