Monday, December 17, 2018

Hand on Rail

 A few months ago, a training interface was organised for rural students at the Nestle plant by Rotary Club of Ponda. It was impressing to note the importance given to safety norms by Nestle’s. One such insistence was to hold the hand rail while moving on the stairs. 

It seems like a needless guideline but if we consider it closely, we find it to be a life-saver. A slight slip on the steps can turn fatal. However if our hand is on the rail, we would be in control and recover our balance.

A handrail provides stability and support and prevent injurious falls while ascending and descending on stairways and escalators. Nevertheless, the handrail would be useless if our hand is not on the rail.

The analogy is apt as a lesson for life, too. Our ethics should be the hand rail that we hold on to while ascending or descending in our life. We may slip or trip on the stairs but if we hold on to our ethics, we will be safe and in control of our response to the implications of our actions.

Hand on the rail will ensure a safe day…
Hold on to ethics while moving the way!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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