Monday, November 26, 2018


Two years ago, the celebrity dance-choreographer, Terence Lewis shared an interesting learning from his inspirational life. As a child he would participate in every contest and would keep winning prizes, especially in dancing.

After winning yet another dancing competition, he proudly went on stage to receive his trophy at the hands of the Chief Guest and Main Jury. While handing over the Cup, the lady muttered, ‘You were the best among the worst!’ Terence was stunned.

Thinking that he had heard wrong, he approached the lady again. She insisted that he won only because the others in the competition were bad performers. The incident triggered a paradigm shift in Terence’s approach towards dancing. He was no longer interested in winning. He worked hard to get better and better to be what he is today!

Often, we involve in disproportionate celebration of a below par show in a below par competition. We delude ourselves that we have achieved great success when we may have not have scaled mediocrity. Such delusion defeats real growth in competency and capabilities.

On social media, we see such delusions in plenty. Self-declarations of average achievements and self-gratifications are further propped up by excessive appreciation that is contrary to actual reality. In such cases, we must correctly evaluate where we stand and do what needs to be done to be better!

Where mediocrity runs, the race is no test
Don’t delude yourself about being the best

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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