Monday, October 22, 2018

Roots & Shoots

30 years back, I met a philosopher poet. When I appreciated the sling bag that dangled off his shoulders, he responded to say, ‘This bag carries only a few books. The one within carries the book of life… and that is the real one!’ Even his prose was as poetic as it was multi-layered.

He seemed to speak in earthy wisdom as well as from a global perspective. His words opened insights into village folklore as well as modern thoughts. He fiercely propagated his mother-tongue, Konkani as well as mastered expression in diverse languages like Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Portuguese and English.

He had deep roots and free shoots. A lyrical poet who played many parts as teacher, magazine editor, translator, organiser and many more, Ramesh Bhagvant Veluskar passed away yesterday. But the Sahitya Akademi awardee lives in the hearts of every person he met in person or through his writing.

Some of us remain rooted in our own world and ignore the larger world. Some of us see the larger perspectives but are ignorant of our roots. Splendid trees are the ones who reach out to the sky while sending their roots deep down into the earth. Such were the significant lessons from the life of Ramesh Veluskar.

Though passionate about his ethnic roots, he opened easily to diversity of humanity. A reservoir of folklore, he appreciated contemporary art in various forms. His love for his mother tongue did not prevent him from embracing other languages. His emotional sensitivity marched hand in hand with rationality. Ramesh had both, deep roots and shoots as wide as the sky… a meaningful and inspirational way to live a full life.

Roots dive deep, shoots reach sky
…Full lives like Ramesh never die!

~ Pravin K Sabnis

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