Monday, October 31, 2016


Father Crab and his child were taking a stroll on the sand. ‘Child,’ pointed out the father, ‘you are walking very ungracefully. You should adjust to walking straight forward without twisting from side to side.’

‘Sure father,’ said the young one, ‘but set the example yourself, and I will follow you.’

So often, so many of us expect others to do what we ourselves are unable to do. While it is good to encourage others to do things we have failed in, most of us are speaking from the high chair of being pompously judgemental. We urge others to be aligned to the path that we refuse to step on.

It is said so well that example is the best precept. We must involve and participate in the choices which we find worthy to be recommended for others. And we must walk the walk that we expect others to embark on. Like Gandhi said it so well we must be the change we want to see in the world.

The greater lesson is that we should not expect others to do what we have never tried to do. Too many armchair critics find fault so easily in the performances of others. We must, at all times, ask the important poser to our self, ‘Can I be a living example of what I recommend to others to be?’

Before asking others to do what you say
Be a living example by walking the way!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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