Monday, March 14, 2016


At his Business School, Fred presented his project paper on overnight packages deliveries. The outcome was a C-minus! The professors remarked that nobody would want to send overnight packages as they already had the service of the US Mail. An undeterred Fred went on to invest all his money into his idea and start his venture. 

On the first day of operation, they sought to deliver 167 packages. However, they were able to deliver only seven. Five of these packages were to themselves and only two were to outsiders. But Fred Smith did not quit and his Federal Express went on to be a huge success.

The primary reason for this success was Fred’s attitude. He did not see anything as failure. When he took action on his decision, he only considered the results as outcome. On the first day of operation when Federal Express delivered only two packages to outsiders, he said that he succeeded in learning how to send two packages. Now he had to learn how to send more packages.

This is an empowering principle - if we want to succeed in a bigger way we have to look at the positive side of everything, and take major and consistent action. Too often, too many of us are over bothered about the results. Results are the outcome of many factors. But it is steady actions born of positive belief that will eventually ensure favourable outcomes.

Results are the outcome of the occasion
Keep up the belief in consistent action!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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