Monday, December 14, 2015

River of Interest

People are of two types: river people and goal people – Earl Nightingale

Goal people are ones who pen down their desires as well as the deadlines for reaching them. They focus on attaining their various listed goals, one by one. By envisioning the roadmap of future targets, goal people give themselves a clear set of motives to work on.

In contrast, river people shun such a structured route to success. They wade in a rich ‘river of interest’... a path of passion. Even without a set of clear measurable goals, they strike success due to sheer passion about their pursuit. They are explorers on a journey to discover new learning and experiences.

For river people, joy comes from the journey, not from reaching the destination -- exactly the opposite of goal people. Both types can experience success in life in different ways. However, it is the ones who flow with the ‘river of interest’ who are likely to be happy with the journey even without touching expected success.

We extract the maximum ‘juice’, out of our potential, by being an explorer, learning new skills, connecting to fresh knowledge, innovation and technology. In fact the ‘river of interest’ offers unexpected treasures in its flow which reveal hidden dimensions of our personality. And these will bring true joy which is greater than success that comes from achieving fixed goals!

Set out to sail on the river of your interest
True success lies in the happiness crest!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

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