Monday, January 19, 2015


In Aesop's fable – ‘The Fox and the Cat’, the fox boasts of ‘hundreds of ways of escaping’ while the cat has ‘only one’. When the hounds approached, the cat scampered up a tree while the fox in his confusion was caught up by the hounds. The fable underlines the lesson, ‘Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon’. 

So often, so many of us believe that the more we think about something, the better our decision will be. We ponder a decision for hours or even days. We keep pursing the identification of multiple options. However, research has shown that over-thinking a dilemma can actually result in a poorer decision.

This does not campaign for a spur-of-the-moment whimsical resolution. Instead, we must use the process of unconscious thought... we give the problem time to be mulled over in the back of our mind, yet do not actively think about it. In situations involving complex decisions, unconscious thought is found to outperform the more logical and analytical counterpart.

We must avoid wasting too much time going over the same points again and again in our heads. Instead, we must bring key issues to mind, and then relax and give ourselves some time to absorb it. Many of us do this already - we are often reluctant to rush into a decision before ‘sleeping on it’ - however we also waste a lot of time agonizing over the pros and cons.

Our unconscious mind is better equipped to unite the various considerations, implications and solutions. However, we tend to consciously dig up a wealth of options and often lose focus from identifying practical solutions. We must remember the famous maxim – ‘too much of analysis causes paralysis’!

Over-thinking often creates a defeating paralysis...
The unconscious mind will ‘unite to impact’ analysis!

- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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