Monday, December 1, 2014

Still Another Mile

And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness, still another mile’
- from the song ‘I have a dream’ by ABBA

Sometimes, trekking rookies despair about the distance of the destination. The old hands use two ways to motivate the tenderfoot… First, the dejected are reminded about the worth of the endeavour, by describing the charms of the destination. Next is the time tested motivation, ‘we are almost there’

In fact, the veteran’s auto suggestion will be - ‘still another mile’… not just to cover the distance; but to go beyond the distance. The difference between ‘just one mile to go’ and ‘still another mile’ is exactly the distinction between a smaller, immediate goal and the larger destination of our dream…

In the real world, an important principle of success in all walks of life, in all professions and all undertakings is the compliance of ‘going the extra mile’. Search as much as you will for a single sound argument against this principle and you will not find it, nor will you find a single instance of enduring success.

We must ask ourselves: Do I do more than what I am expected to do? Do I render a better service than that for what I am paid? Do I walk the extra mile to my larger destination of my bigger dream?

While it is good to honour commitments, expectations or targets; it is greater to move beyond the limits we have set ourselves. For it is these very extra miles, that will unite to impact our performance with our true potential.

Extra efforts ‘unite to impact’ to make it worth the while...
Not just the distance, walk beyond… ‘still another mile’!
- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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