Monday, May 26, 2014


Pedro needed to plough his field before the rains set in, but his own plough had broken. He decided to ask his neighbor, Ladro to lend his plough. He knew that Ladro was a good man and that he would have done his ploughing by now and he would be happy to lend him the machine. With confidence he proceeded to his neighbour’s farm which was four fields away.
After a field of walking, Pedro said to himself, ‘I hope that he has finished his own ploughing or he'll not be able to lend me his machine.’ Then after a few more minutes of worrying and walking, Pedro said to himself, ‘what if Ladro's plough is old and on its last legs – he will not want to lend it to me, will he?’
After another field, Pedro was seized with more dread, ‘Ladro was never a very cooperative fellow, he won't be too eager to lend me his plough even if it is in perfect working order and he has no further need.‘ As he reaches his neighbour’s farm, Pedro confirms to himself, ‘Ladro can be real mean. Even if he can, he will not lend it to me just so watch me go to ruin.’
Pedro crossed his neighbour’s gate and knocked on the door. Ladro opened the door with a big smile, ‘hey, Pedro what can I do for you?’  An incensed Pedro shouted back, ‘To hell with you and your bloody plough!’
So often, we allow ourselves our minds to be ploughed by negative contemplation. When they come in a sequence, the harmful thoughts unite to create a depressing impact on positive thinking and hopeful beliefs. Indeed this predicament can be overcome only by ensuring that to not allow the burden of experience to weigh us down.
So often, we tend to remember only negative experiences or imagine only negative perceptions. What is not desirable is that we allow the negative thoughts to unite to impact us regressively. Hence we must proactively connect our thinking to the positive experiences and positive perceptions. That would ensure that we do not put ourselves in the wrong corner.
Do not allow sequence of negative thoughts to create rage...
 ‘Unite to impact’ perceptions that ensure positive image!
- Pravin K. Sabnis
Goa, India.

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